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Caps logo embroidered


Caps Embroidered Logo Hats
100% lightweight brushed cotton twill
Soft structured, six-panel, low-profile
Extra comfort and all day wear.
Size: One fits All – Adjustable metal fastener on its back


Abhorer cap (sin)
Absu cap (usa)
Abyssic Hate cap (aus)
Agent Steel cap (usa)
Angelcorpse cap (usa)
Anthem cap (jpn)
Archgoat cap (fin)
Armagedda cap (swe)
Assassin cap (ger)
Aura noir cap (nor)
Autopsy cap (usa)
Avenger cap (uk)
Bathory cap (swe)
Beherit cap (fin)
Bestial Summoning cap (hol)
Bestial Warlust cap (aus)
Bewitched cap (swe)
Black Funeral cap (usa)
Black Witchery cap (usa)
Blasphemy cap (can)
Blitzkrieg cap (uk)
Bolt Thrower cap (uk)
Bulldozer cap (ita)
Burzum cap (nor)
Carcass cap (uk)
Carpathian Forest cap (nor)
Celtic Frost cap (swi)
Cirith Ungol cap (usa)
Conqueror cap (can)
Covenant cap (nor)
Dark Angel cap (usa)
Darkthrone cap (nor)
Deathstrike cap (usa)
Desolation Angels cap (uk)
Destroyer 666 cap (aus)
Destruction cap (ger)
Devil Lee Rot cap (swe)
Diamond Head cap (uk)
Doom cap (jpn)
Dorsal Atlantica cap (bra)
Dream Death cap (usa)
Elixir cap (uk)
Emperor cap (nor)
Enslaved cap (nor)
Exciter cap (can)
Exhorder cap (usa)
Exodus cap (usa)
Exumer cap (ger)
Gehenna cap (nor)
Goat Semen cap (per)
Gorgoroth cap (nor)
Gospel of the Horns cap (aus)
Grave cap (swe)
Graveland cap (pol)
Hellhammer cap (swi)
Holocausto cap (bra)
Horna cap (fin)
Immolation cap (usa)
Immortal cap Old Logo  (nor)
Impaled Nazarene cap (fin)
Infernal Majesty cap (can)
Inquisition cap (col)
Isengard cap (nor)
Judas Iscariot cap (usa)
Kat cap (pol)
Katharsis cap (ger)
King Diamond cap (den)
Korrozia Metalla cap (rus)
Kreator cap (ger)
Levifer cap (per)
Loudness cap (jpn)
Maniac Butcher cap (czech rep)
Manilla Road cap (usa)
Manowar cap (usa)
Marduk cap (swe)
Master´s Hammer cap (cze rep)
Mayhem cap (nor)
Merciless cap (swe)
Mercyful Fate cap (Den)
Minotaur cap (ger)
Moonblood cap (ger)
Morbid cap (swe)
Morbid Angel cap (usa)
Morbid Saint cap (usa)
Morbosidad cap (usa)
Motörhead cap (uk)
Mutiilation cap (fra)
Mutilator cap (bra)
Mx cap (bra)
Mystifier Old Logo cap (bra)
Nargaroth cap (ger)
Necrodeath cap (ita)
Necromantia cap (gre)
Necronomicon cap (ger)
Necrovore cap (Kult logo) (usa)
Nifelheim cap (swe)
Nihilist cap (swe)
Nuclear Assault cap (usa)
Nuclear Death cap (usa)
Nunslaughter cap (usa)
Obscurity cap (swe)
Old Funeral cap (nor)
Onslaught cap (uk)
Order from Chaos cap (usa)
Pest cap (swe)
Poison cap (Ger)
Possessed cap (usa)
Profanatica cap (usa)
Protector cap (ger)
Razor cap (can)
Revenge cap (can)
Rigor Mortis cap (usa)
Sabbat cap (jpn)
Sacrifice cap (can)
Sadistic Intent cap (usa)
Sadistik Exekution cap (aus)
Sadus cap (usa)
Samael cap (swi)
Sarcofago cap (bra)
Sargeist cap (fin)
Savage Grace cap (usa)
Sepultura cap (bra)
Sextrash cap (bra)
Sigh cap (jpn)
Slaughter cap (can)
Slaughter Lord cap (aus)
Slayer cap (usa)
Sodom cap (ger)
Tank cap (uk)
Terrorizer cap (usa)
Thorns cap (nor)
Torgeist cap (fra)
Tormentor cap (Old Logo) (hun)
Treblinka cap (swe)
Tsjuder cap (nor)
Urgehal cap (nor)
Venom cap (uk)
Violent Force cap (ger)
Vlad Tepes cap (fra)
Voivod cap (can)
Von cap (usa)
Vulcano cap (bra)
Warlock cap (ger)
Wasp cap (usa)
Wehrmacht cap (usa)
Whiplash cap (usa)
Witchfynde cap (uk)
Wolf cap (jpn)
Zyklon-B cap (nor)

Caps Embroidered Logo Hats
100% lightweight brushed cotton twill
Soft structured, six-panel, low-profile
Extra comfort and all day wear.
Size: One fits All – Adjustable metal fastener on its back

Abhorer cap (sin)
Absu cap (usa)
Abyssic Hate cap (aus)
Agent Steel cap (usa)
Angelcorpse cap (usa)
Anthem cap (jpn)
Archgoat cap (fin)
Armagedda cap (swe)
Assassin cap (ger)
Aura noir cap (nor)
Autopsy cap (usa)
Avenger cap (uk)
Bathory cap (swe)
Beherit cap (fin)
Bestial Summoning cap (hol)
Bestial Warlust cap (aus)
Bewitched cap (swe)
Black Funeral cap (usa)
Black Witchery cap (usa)
Blasphemy cap (can)
Blitzkrieg cap (uk)
Bolt Thrower cap (uk)
Bulldozer cap (ita)
Burzum cap (nor)
Carcass cap (uk)
Carpathian Forest cap (nor)
Celtic Frost cap (swi)
Cirith Ungol cap (usa)
Conqueror cap (can)
Covenant cap (nor)
Dark Angel cap (usa)
Darkthrone cap (nor)
Deathstrike cap (usa)
Desolation Angels cap (uk)
Destroyer 666 cap (aus)
Destruction cap (ger)
Devil Lee Rot cap (swe)
Diamond Head cap (uk)
Doom cap (jpn)
Dorsal Atlantica cap (bra)
Dream Death cap (usa)
Elixir cap (uk)
Emperor cap (nor)
Enslaved cap (nor)
Exciter cap (can)
Exhorder cap (usa)
Exodus cap (usa)
Exumer cap (ger)
Gehenna cap (nor)
Goat Semen cap (per)
Gorgoroth cap (nor)
Gospel of the Horns cap (aus)
Grave cap (swe)
Graveland cap (pol)
Hellhammer cap (swi)
Holocausto cap (bra)
Horna cap (fin)
Immolation cap (usa)
Immortal cap Old Logo  (nor)
Impaled Nazarene cap (fin)
Infernal Majesty cap (can)
Inquisition cap (col)
Isengard cap (nor)
Judas Iscariot cap (usa)
Kat cap (pol)
Katharsis cap (ger)
King Diamond cap (den)
Korrozia Metalla cap (rus)
Kreator cap (ger)
Levifer cap (per)
Loudness cap (jpn)
Maniac Butcher cap (czech rep)
Manilla Road cap (usa)
Manowar cap (usa)
Marduk cap (swe)
Master´s Hammer cap (cze rep)
Mayhem cap (nor)
Merciless cap (swe)
Mercyful Fate cap (Den)
Minotaur cap (ger)
Moonblood cap (ger)
Morbid cap (swe)
Morbid Angel cap (usa)
Morbid Saint cap (usa)
Morbosidad cap (usa)
Motörhead cap (uk)
Mutiilation cap (fra)
Mutilator cap (bra)
Mx cap (bra)
Mystifier Old Logo cap (bra)
Nargaroth cap (ger)
Necrodeath cap (ita)
Necromantia cap (gre)
Necronomicon cap (ger)
Necrovore cap (Kult logo) (usa)
Nifelheim cap (swe)
Nihilist cap (swe)
Nuclear Assault cap (usa)
Nuclear Death cap (usa)
Nunslaughter cap (usa)
Obscurity cap (swe)
Old Funeral cap (nor)
Onslaught cap (uk)
Order from Chaos cap (usa)
Pest cap (swe)
Poison cap (Ger)
Possessed cap (usa)
Profanatica cap (usa)
Protector cap (ger)
Razor cap (can)
Revenge cap (can)
Rigor Mortis cap (usa)
Sabbat cap (jpn)
Sacrifice cap (can)
Sadistic Intent cap (usa)
Sadistik Exekution cap (aus)
Sadus cap (usa)
Samael cap (swi)
Sarcofago cap (bra)
Sargeist cap (fin)
Savage Grace cap (usa)
Sepultura cap (bra)
Sextrash cap (bra)
Sigh cap (jpn)
Slaughter cap (can)
Slaughter Lord cap (aus)
Slayer cap (usa)
Sodom cap (ger)
Tank cap (uk)
Terrorizer cap (usa)
Thorns cap (nor)
Torgeist cap (fra)
Tormentor cap (Old Logo) (hun)
Treblinka cap (swe)
Tsjuder cap (nor)
Urgehal cap (nor)
Venom cap (uk)
Violent Force cap (ger)
Vlad Tepes cap (fra)
Voivod cap (can)
Von cap (usa)
Vulcano cap (bra)
Warlock cap (ger)
Wasp cap (usa)
Wehrmacht cap (usa)
Whiplash cap (usa)
Witchfynde cap (uk)
Wolf cap (jpn)
Zyklon-B cap (nor)


Devil´s Arts Productions – Records/Distribution

The True Metal Store:
Patches, Vinyls, Cds, Tshirts, Longsleeves, Cassettes, Dvds, Zines, Posters, Stickers, BackPatches, Hoodies, Caps, Badges…!

70s 80s Old School Metal NWOBHM Heavy Traditional Black Death Thrash Metal Terror…!
All Hordes in the same Hell:

Fast Reply!
Fast Shipping Worldwide!

devils arts productions dap666 dap666records devilsarts devils arts prods metal patches metal vinyls metal cds metal tshirts metal shirts metal longsleeves metal cassettes metal tapes metal dvds metal zines metal posters metal stickers metal backpatches metal hoodies metal caps metal badges metal buttons metal pins NWOBHM old school metal heavy metal traditional metal black metal peru death metal speed metal thrash metal destruction rare metal kult hard to find metal 70s metal 80s metal true metal terror horror cult metal black metal patches black metal vinyls black metal cassettes black metal tshirts black metal cds black metal hoodies black metal backpatches black metal pins black metal dvds black metal caps death metal caps thrash metal caps heavy metal caps nwobhm caps black metal longsleeves black metal posters black metal stickers black metal lps black metal 7eps

Weight 220 g

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  • Badges pins buttons


    Badges Pins Buttons
    Sizes: 3,5 cm = 1.4″ of Diameter.


    Abhorer Upheaval of Blasphemy button
    Abigail Logo button
    Abruptum Obscuritatem Advoco Amplectére Me button
    Abruptum Logo button
    Absu Logo button
    Amputation Demo 90 button
    Anatomy Moyen Art button
    Archgoat Angelcunt (Tales of Desecration) button
    Arcturus My Angel Ep button
    Asphyx Embrace the Death button
    Assassin (Ger) The Upcoming Terror button
    Autopsy Ridden with Disease button
    Autopsy Mental Funeral button
    Bathory Logo button
    Bathory The Return… button
    Bathory Under The Sign Of The Black Mark button
    Bathory Goat button
    Beherit The Oath of Black Blood button
    Beherit Goatart from Split w/ Deathyell button
    Beherit Drawing Down The Moon button
    Bestial Summoning Logo button
    Black Witchery Desecration of the Holy Kingdom button
    Blasphemy Fallen Angel of Doom button
    Bulldozer The Day of Wrath button
    Bulldozer Logo button
    Burzum Logo button
    Burzum S/T button
    Burzum Aske Ep button
    Celtic frost Morbid Tales button
    Celtic frost To Mega Therion button
    Chakal Abominable Anno Domini button
    Conqueror War Cult Supremacy button
    Corpse Molestation Descension of a Darker Deity button
    Darkthrone A Blaze in the Northern Sky button
    Darkthrone Crossing the Triangle of Flames button
    Darkthrone Logo button
    Darkthrone Transilvanian Hunger button
    Destroyer 666 Violence is the Prince of this World button
    Destruction Logo button
    Destruction Infernal Overkill button
    Destruction Eternal Devastation button
    Destruction Sentence Of Death button
    Dorsal Atlantica Antes do fim button
    Emperor In the Nightside Eclipse button
    Emperor Logo button
    Exciter Kill after Kill button
    Exodus Bonded by Blood button
    Exodus Die by his Hand button
    Expulser Fornications button
    Goat Semen Horde button
    Gorgoroth A Sorcery written in Blood ´93 & Promo ´94 Cd Cover! button
    Gorgoroth Pentagram button
    Gorgoroth Antichrist button
    Gorgoroth Under The Sign Of Hell button
    Gospel of the Hornes Eve of the Conqueror button
    Havohej Dethrone the Son of God button
    Havohej Unholy Darkness and Impurity button
    Hellhammer Logo button
    Hellhammer Triumph of Death button
    Hellhammer Apocalyptic Raids button
    Hellhammer Satanic Rites button
    Holocausto Campo de Exterminio button
    Holocausto War Metal button
    Immortal Damned in Black button
    Immortal Logo button
    Immortal Battles in the North button
    Impaled Nazarene Logo button
    Impaled Nazarene Tol Cormpt Norz Norz Norz button
    Impaled Nazarene Ugra-Karma button
    Impaler The Mutants Rise Again button
    Impurity (Bra) The Lamb’s Fury button
    Infernal Majesty None Shall Defy button
    Inquisition Invoking the Majestic Throne of Satan button
    Iron Maiden Logo button
    King Diamond Logo button
    Kreator Coma of Souls button
    Kreator Endless Pain button
    Kreator Out Of The Dark Into The Light button
    Kreator Pleasure to Kill button
    Krieg Tormenting Necrometal button
    Levifer Tribute to the Supreme Beast button
    Maniac Butcher Logo button
    Marduk Those of the Unlight button
    Master Collection of Souls button
    Master´s Hammer Ritual button
    Master’s Hammer Logo button
    Mayhem De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas button
    Mayhem Logo button
    Mayhem Deathcrush button
    Merciless Logo button
    Merciless The Awakening button
    Mercyful Fate Time button
    Morbid Logo button
    Morbid December Moon button
    Morbid Angel Altars of Madness button
    Morbid Angel Logo button
    Morbosidad Logo button
    Mortem (Nor) Slow Death Ep button
    Motörhead Logo – Hammered button
    Mutiilation Vampires of Black Imperial Blood button
    Mutilator Immortal Force button
    Mystifier Wicca button
    Necrófago (Bra) Brutal Mutilation button
    Necromantia Logo button
    Necromantia Demo 93 button
    Necromantia From the Past We Summon Thee button
    Necronomicon (Ger) S/T button
    Necrovore Rare logo button
    Necrovore Kult logo button
    Nuclear Death Bride of Insect button
    Order from Chaos Logo button
    Poison (Ger) Bestial Death button
    Possessed Seven Churches button
    Possessed Beyond The Gates button
    Profanatica Collection button
    Revenge Attack, Blood, Revenge button
    Rigor Mortis S/T button
    Sabbat Satanasword button
    Sacrifice Logo button
    Sadus Swallowed in Black button
    Samael Worship him button
    Sarcófago Inri button
    Sarcófago Satanic Lust button
    Sepultura Schizophrenia button
    Sepultura Bestial Devastation button
    Sepultura Morbid Visions button
    Sextrash Sexual Carnage button
    Sextrash Logo button
    Sextrash XXX button
    Slaughter Surrender or die button
    Slaughter Strappado button
    Slaughter Lord Thrash ´till Death button
    Slayer Show No Mercy button
    Slayer Haunting The Chapel button
    Slayer Hell Awaits button
    Slayer Logo button
    Sodom In The Sign of Evil button
    Sodom Obssessed by Cruelty button
    Thornspawn Wrath of War button
    Tormentor (Hun) Logo button
    Unholy Archangel Logo button
    Venom Logo button
    Venom Black Metal button
    Venom Welcome To Hell button
    Voivod War and Pain button
    Von Satanic Blood button
    Vulcano Logo button
    Vulcano Angel with Axe button
    Wasp Wasp button
    Whiplash Ticket to Mayhem button

    Add to cart
  • Backpatches Embroidered


    Highest Quality Embroidery on Black Canvas
    Size: 30 cm width = 12″ width approx:


    Abhorer backpatch (sin)
    Absu backpatch (usa)
    Abyssic Hate backpatch (aus)
    Agent Steel backpatch (usa)
    Angelcorpse backpatch (usa)
    Anthem backpatch (jpn)
    Archgoat backpatch (fin)
    Armagedda backpatch (swe)
    Assassin backpatch (ger)
    Aura noir backpatch (nor)
    Autopsy backpatch (usa)
    Avenger backpatch (uk)
    Bathory backpatch (swe)
    Beherit backpatch (fin)
    Bestial Summoning backpatch (hol)
    Bestial Warlust backpatch (aus)
    Bewitched backpatch (swe)
    Black Funeral backpatch (usa)
    Black Witchery backpatch (usa)
    Blasphemy backpatch (can)
    Blitzkrieg backpatch (uk)
    Bolt Thrower backpatch (uk)
    Bulldozer backpatch (ita)
    Burzum backpatch (nor)
    Carcass backpatch (uk)
    Carpathian Forest backpatch (nor)
    Celtic Frost backpatch (swi)
    Cirith Ungol backpatch (usa)
    Conqueror backpatch (can)
    Covenant backpatch (nor)
    Dark Angel backpatch (usa)
    Darkthrone backpatch (nor)
    Deathstrike backpatch (usa)
    Desolation Angels backpatch (uk)
    Destroyer 666 backpatch (aus)
    Destruction backpatch (ger)
    Devil Lee Rot backpatch (swe)
    Diamond Head backpatch (uk)
    Doom backpatch (jpn)
    Dorsal Atlantica backpatch (bra)
    Dream Death backpatch (usa)
    Elixir backpatch (uk)
    Emperor backpatch (nor)
    Enslaved backpatch (nor)
    Exciter backpatch (can)
    Exhorder backpatch (usa)
    Exodus backpatch (usa)
    Exumer backpatch (ger)
    Gehenna backpatch (nor)
    Goat Semen backpatch (per)
    Gorgoroth backpatch (nor)
    Gospel of the Horns backpatch (aus)
    Grave backpatch (swe)
    Graveland backpatch (pol)
    Hellhammer backpatch (swi)
    Holocausto backpatch (bra)
    Horna backpatch (fin)
    Immolation backpatch (usa)
    Immortal Old Logo backpatch (nor)
    Impaled Nazarene backpatch (fin)
    Infernal Majesty backpatch (can)
    Isengard backpatch (nor)
    Judas Iscariot backpatch (usa)
    Kat backpatch (pol)
    Katharsis backpatch (ger)
    King Diamond backpatch (den)
    Korrozia Metalla backpatch (rus)
    Kreator backpatch (ger)
    Levifer backpatch (per)
    Loudness backpatch (jpn)
    Maniac Butcher backpatch (czech rep)
    Manilla Road backpatch (usa)
    Manowar backpatch (usa)
    Marduk backpatch (swe)
    Master´s Hammer backpatch (czech rep)
    Mayhem backpatch (nor)
    Merciless backpatch (swe)
    Mercyful Fate backpatch (den)
    Minotaur backpatch (ger)
    Moonblood backpatch (ger)
    Morbid backpatch (swe)
    Morbid Angel backpatch (usa)
    Morbid Saint backpatch (usa)
    Motörhead backpatch (uk)
    Mutiilation backpatch (fra)
    Mutilator backpatch (bra)
    Mx backpatch (bra)
    Mystifier Old Logo backpatch (bra)
    Nargaroth backpatch (ger)
    Necrodeath backpatch (ita)
    Necromantia backpatch (gre)
    Necronomicon backpatch (ger)
    Necrovore backpatch Kult logo (usa)
    Nifelheim backpatch (swe)
    Nihilist backpatch (swe)
    Nuclear Assault backpatch (usa)
    Nuclear Death backpatch (usa)
    Nunslaughter backpatch (usa)
    Obscurity backpatch (swe)
    Old Funeral backpatch (nor)
    Onslaught backpatch (uk)
    Order from Chaos backpatch (usa)
    Pest backpatch (swe)
    Poison backpatch (Ger)
    Possessed backpatch (usa)
    Profanatica backpatch (usa)
    Protector backpatch (ger)
    Razor backpatch (can)
    Revenge backpatch (can)
    Rigor Mortis backpatch (usa)
    Sabbat backpatch (jpn)
    Sacrifice backpatch (can)
    Sadistic Intent backpatch (usa)
    Sadistik Exekution backpatch (aus)
    Sadus backpatch (usa)
    Samael backpatch (swi)
    Sarcofago backpatch (bra)
    Sargeist backpatch (fin)
    Savage Grace backpatch (usa)
    Sepultura backpatch (bra)
    Sextrash backpatch (bra)
    Sigh backpatch (jpn)
    Slaughter backpatch (can)
    Slaughter Lord backpatch (aus)
    Slayer backpatch (usa)
    Sodom backpatch (ger)
    Tank backpatch (uk)
    Terrorizer backpatch (usa)
    Thorns backpatch (nor)
    Torgeist backpatch (fra)
    Tormentor backpatch Old Kult Logo (hun)
    Treblinka backpatch (swe)
    Tsjuder backpatch (nor)
    Unleashed backpatch (Swe)
    Urgehal backpatch (nor)
    Venom backpatch (uk)
    Violent Force backpatch (ger)
    Vlad Tepes backpatch (fra)
    Voivod backpatch (can)
    Von backpatch (usa)
    Vulcano backpatch (bra)
    Warlock backpatch (ger)
    Wasp backpatch (usa)
    Wehrmacht backpatch (usa)
    Whiplash backpatch (usa)
    Witchfynde backpatch (uk)
    Wolf backpatch (jpn)
    Zyklon-B backpatch (nor)

    Add to cart
  • Backpatches Printed


    Backpatches Printed
    Highest Quality Pressed on Black Canvas:
    Size: 40 x 33 cm = 16″ x 13.2″ approx.


    Abhorer Abhorer Upheaval of Blasphemy backpatch (sin)
    Abruptum Logo backpatch (nor)
    Abruptum Obscuritatem Advoco Amplectére Me backpatch (nor)
    Absu …And Shineth Unto the Cold Cometh Single 1995 backpatch (usa)
    Absu Temple of Offal backpatch (usa)
    Angelcorpse Goats to Azazel backpatch (usa)
    Anvil Bitch Anvil Bitch demo 1985 backpatch (usa)
    Archgoat Angelcunt backpatch (fin)
    Archgoat Satanic Crusader backpatch (fin)
    Archgoat Tour of the Black Moon backpatch (fin)
    Armagedda The Final War Approaching backpatch (usa)
    Aura Noir Black Thrash Attack backpatch (nor)
    Autopsy Critical madness demo 1988 backpatch (usa)
    Bathory Goat backpatch (swe)
    Bathory Quorthon into the Pentagram backpatch (swe)
    Beherit Goatpriest backpatch (fin)
    Beherit The Oath of Black Blood backpatch (fin)
    Bestial Summoning The Dark War Has Begun backpatch (hol)
    Bestial Warlust Logo backpatch (aus)
    Black Shepherd Welcome demo 1989 backpatch (bel)
    Blasphemy Fallen Angel of Doom backpatch (can)
    Blasphemy Blood Upon the Altar backpatch (can)
    Blasphemy Demon Breaking Cross backpatch (can)
    Blasphemy Goat Breaking Cross backpatch (can)
    Blasphemy The Final Armageddon backpatch (can)
    Blitzkrieg Buried Alive single 1981 backpatch (uk)
    Bulldozer Old logo backpatch (ita)
    Burzum Burzum backpatch (nor)
    Burzum Coming Soon -to a Church NEAR YOU! backpatch (nor)
    Burzum Once Emperor backpatch (nor)
    Carpathian Forest Strange Old Brew Lp Cover backpatch (nor)
    Celtic Frost Logo backpatch (swi)
    Cirith Ungol Demo 1979 backpatch (usa)
    Conqueror Anti-christ Superiority demo 1996 backpatch (can)
    Conqueror War Cult Supremacy backpatch (Bone Skull)  (can)
    Conqueror War Cult Supremacy backpatch (WarGoat on Horse)  (can)
    Coroner Death Cult demo 1986 backpatch (swi)
    Covenant From the Storm of Shadows demo 1994 backpatch (nor)
    Darkthrone A Blaze in the northern sky backpatch (nor)
    Darkthrone Crossing the Triangle of Flames backpatch (nor)
    Darkthrone Logo backpatch (nor)
    Darkthrone Transilvanian Hunger backpatch (nor)
    Darkthrone Under a Funeral Moon backpatch (nor)
    Desolation Angels Demo 1 1980 backpatch (uk)
    Devil Lee Rot Logo backpatch (swe)
    Diamond Head logo backpatch (uk)
    Diamond Head Sweet & Innocent Single 1980 backpatch (uk)
    Discharge demo 1977 backpatch (uk)
    Dream Death demo 1986 backpatch (usa)
    Elixir Treachery (Ride Like the Wind) Single 1985 backpatch (uk)
    Emperor Emperor Ep 1993 (Death on Horse) backpatch (nor)
    Exhorder Get Rude demo 1986 backpatch (usa)
    Exodus Die by his Hand backpatch (usa)
    Expulser Logo backpatch (bra)
    Exumer A Mortal in Black Demo 1985 backpatch (ger)
    Goat Semen Demo 1 backpatch (per)
    Goat Semen Horde backpatch (per)
    Goatvomit Carnal Blasphemy demo 1 backpatch (gre)
    Gorgoroth A sorcery written in blood 93 backpatch (nor)
    Gorgoroth Antichrist backpatch (nor)
    Gorgoroth Pentagram backpatch (nor)
    Graveland Drunemeton demo 1992 backpatch (pol)
    Havohej Unholy Darkness and Impurity backpatch (usa)
    Hellhammer Heptagram backpatch (swi)
    Hellhammer Satanic Rites backpatch (swi)
    Hellhammer Triumph of Death backpatch (swi)
    Holocaust The Nightcomers backpatch (uk)
    Holocausto War Metal backpatch (bra)
    Horna Kohti Yhdeksän Nousua backpatch (nor)
    Immolation logo backpatch (usa)
    Immortal demo 1981 backpatch (nor)
    Impaled Nazarene Goat Perversion Ep 1992 backpatch (fin)
    Infernal Majesty logo backpatch (can)
    Infernum …Taur-Nu-Fuin… backpatch (pol)
    Isengard Logo backpatch (nor)
    Jaguar Axe Crazy backpatch (uk)
    Katharsis Kruzifixxion backpatch (ger)
    King Diamond Logo backpatch (Den)
    Levifer Tribute to the Supreme Beast backpatch (per)
    Marduk Logo backpatch (swe)
    Masters Hammer Logo backpatch (czech rep)
    Mayhem De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas backpatch (nor)
    Mayhem Last Breath backpatch (last recording with Dead) Digipack Artwork (Dead & Euronymous) (nor)
    Mayhem Live in Leipzig backpatch Digipack Artwork (Dead with Candles) (nor)
    Mayhem Pure fucking Armageddon backpatch (nor)
    Merciless Behind the Black Door demo 1987 backpatch (swe)
    Mercyful Fate Melissas Nightmare 7″ep Design backpatch (Den)
    Moonblood Blut & Krieg backpatch (ger)
    Moonblood Fullmoon witchery backpatch (ger)
    Morbid Logo backpatch (swe)
    Mortem Slow Death backpatch (nor)
    Motörhead England backpatch (uk)
    Mütiilation 1992-2002 Ten Years of Depressive Destruction backpatch (fra)
    Mutiilation Vampires of Black Imperial Blood backpatch (fra)
    Mutilator Immortal Force backpatch (bra)
    Mutilator Logo backpatch (bra)
    Mystifier Logo backpatch (bra)
    Nargaroth Black Metal ist Krieg backpatch (ger)
    Nasty Savage Logo backpatch (usa)
    Necrofago Brutal Mutilation backpatch (bra)
    Necromantia Demo 93 backpatch (gre)
    Necromantia From the Past We Summon Thee backpatch (gre)
    Necromantia Varathron Black Arts Lead to Everlasting Sins backpatch (gre)
    Necronomicon Logo backpatch (ger)
    Necrovore Logo backpatch (usa)
    Nehemah Nehemah demo 2001 backpatch (fra)
    Nifelheim Unholy Death 7″ep backpatch (swe)
    Nihilist Drowned backpatch (swe)
    Nihilist Hooded Death backpatch (swe)
    Nuclear Assault Logo backpatch (usa)
    Nuclear Death Bride of Insect backpatch (usa)
    Old Funeral Abduction of Limbs demo 1990 backpatch (nor)
    Onslaught Power from Hell backpatch (uk)
    Onslaught The Force backpatch (uk)
    Order from Chaos Logo backpatch (usa)
    Pest Blasphemy is my Throne EP 2002 backpatch (swe)
    Possessed Logo backpatch (usa)
    Profanatica Broken Throne of Christ backpatch (usa)
    Profanatica Live Cd Design backpatch (usa)
    Protector logo backpatch (ger)
    Razor Armed and Dangerous backpatch (can)
    Revenge Superion.Command.Destroy backpatch (can)
    Rigor Mortis Demo 86 backpatch (usa)
    Rigor Mortis Rigor Mortis backpatch (usa)
    Rotting Christ Ade´s Winds…demo 1992 backpatch (gre)
    Running Wild Logo backpatch (ger)
    Sacrifice The Exorcism demo 1985 backpatch (can)
    Sadus Death to Posers demo 1986 backpatch (usa)
    Samael Medieval Prophecy backpatch (swi)
    Sarcofago Baphomet backpatch (bra)
    Sarcofago Satanic Lust backpatch (bra)
    Savage Grace Logo backpatch (usa)
    Sextrash XXX backpatch (bra)
    Sigh Scorn Defeat backpatch (jpn)
    Slaughter Surrender or die backpatch (can)
    Slaughter Lord Taste of Blood demo 1986 backpatch (aus)
    Sodom Logo backpatch (ger)
    Terrorizer From the Tomb Rehs 87 Rare Artwork backpatch (usa)
    Torgeist Logo backpatch (fra)
    Tormentor Logo backpatch (Hun)
    Treblinka Crawling in Vomits demo 1988 backpatch (swe)
    Treblinka Logo Severe Abomination backpatch (swe)
    Tsjuder Atum Nocturnem Ep 1999 backpatch (nor)
    Tsjuder Desert Northern Hell backpatch (nor)
    Usurper Skeletal Season backpatch (usa)
    Usurper Visions from the Gods backpatch (usa)
    Varathron Necromantia Black Arts Lead to Everlasting Sins backpatch (gre)
    Venom Logo backpatch (uk)
    Violent Force logo backpatch (ger)
    Vlad Tepes Black Legions Spirits backpatch (fra)
    Voivod Anachronism demo 1983 backpatch (can)
    Von Satanic blood backpatch (usa)
    Vulcano Angel with Axe backpatch (bra)
    Warlock Logo backpatch (ger)
    Witchfynde Logo backpatch (uk)

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